Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics & Fitness
Typically, Life Coaching and Keto Healthy Eating use fitness training as a vehicle to achieve their goals. Therefore, my approach to assisting my clients reach their Life and Keto Healthy Eating goals is to use body weight workouts as a focus tool and a weekly benchmark measuring stick to gauge whether my clients are reaching their goals.

With Life Coaching, Personal Training and Keto Healthy Eating, all must have measurable results. Body weight workouts are the easiest way to produce weekly measurable results. In addition to exercise, Life Coaching and Keto Healthy Eating use other measuring tools like weekly goals met check lists, blood sugar levels, ketone levels and so forth. These other measuring tools are determined on a per client basis.

What kind of Personal Trainer / Life Coach / Health Companion do you need? Fitness Coach? Life Coach? Diet Coach? If it is any one of these 3, I can help you reach your goals. However, You Must Be Serious About Reaching Them Before Contacting Me.

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