May NewsLetter
Hey everyone,
Wanted to send you some updates about what’s happening with our studio.
- Published 2 new eBooks and in process of getting them on Amazon and Draft2Digital (2 print on demand services)
Descent Into Darkness, Rise of the Avar Nira, Awakening Part 1
Of Wolves, Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Hyneas
- Posted Instagram intro video!!! Please check it out & follow our studio on Instagram.
InstaG Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics Intro Vid
Plus, for my members only, if you share this video each week during the Month of June on your social media sites, I will give you one free class in June!
Just share your re-post of this intro video with me via instagram each week during June to show me that you’ve shared it each week during June.
Excellent work by CaShawn with Supahfilms
Thank you CaShawn for crafting this intro video for us!!!
- Posted to Rumble more of our other self-defense videos to my self-defense channel. Pls check'm out! More to come in June. P.S. There are more than 2 vids but this pic does not reveal that fact.
Thank you all so much for making Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics fun, exciting and possible. Because of your support, we are moving forward with my hopes of offering more classes and possibly even having a new studio location or an improved studio. We shall see!
God bless and see you in class! Sincerely,
Allen Saucier Cobalt Self-Defense Tactics Chief Instructor (256) 479-3380 (c)